Scattered Thoughts on Gone Home
Quick: I often use the clunky term
“non-heteronormative” in this post because I think, personally, that almost
none of the terms that non-heteronormative people use to identify themselves
can be used by a straight writer with outright certainty.
is one of the few games I’ve played that was not meant for me, that is, a
cisgendered teenage boy, and that makes me happy. Even the games that my demo
has rejected that I adore
are usually built on the expectation that the people playing it are teenage boys,
which is not in and of itself bad, but It Is One Thing And This Is Another
is also not meant for me because, I’m sorry, but I’ve never liked any of the Riot Grrrl bands. The reasons
for that probably aren’t great from a cultural standpoint, but there’s a few
different kinds of things that I’ve tried to get into, literally forced myself
to experience, and they just couldn’t stick. Led Zeppelin is one of those
things, and Riot Grrrl is another.
On the one hand, reading analysis of Gone Home has left me with the
impression that there’s stuff I missed on my first go through, but on the other
hand, I don’t want to go back through the game to find it all yet. I’ve never
been a completionist, though I will go back and complete the game eventually.
Speaking of “completing” Gone Home, I found the map to the secret
doors in the basement, but I never found the other secret door, and thus never
found the attic key. I learned that one of the “modifiers” allows you to run
straight to the attic. So I did it. There ain’t two hands about it, I don’t
feel bad for doing it, because I couldn’t find the door myself, and I think
that that was a cowardly, cowardly
move to allow players to simply move through the game without playing it, and I think that it indicates
that they knew enough people couldn’t get through the game without that option,
and then didn’t redesign the placement of doors/keys/documents to accommodate
that. This game is not Resident Evil
and being that it isn’t, it feels too much like it. In
some ways, this simple game actually doesn’t feel simple enough. Sorry.
Speaking of analysis, it put a smile on
my face to see Brendan Keogh compare Gone
Home to Metal Gear Solid 2, even
though I disagree with the analysis of MGS2
that he puts forth to support the comparison. Seriously, where the hell would we be without Metal Gear Solid 2?
is played using Katie, a real character. There is much talk of player agency,
but I don’t think there’s ever enough talk of character agency. My point is this: Katie might pick up the various
things she finds, but she wouldn’t throw them across the floor the way the game
allowed me to.
As a military kid (who now identifies as
something between a Pacifist and some more extreme variety of a Pacifist),
I feel like an unexplored angle in both analysis of Gone Home, and in the game itself, is the fact that Katie is a
member of the Armed Forces who has just returned from being stationed in
Europe, and that Lonnie was about to join the Army and decided not to. The game
more or less says outright that, aside from loving Sam, the reason for this is
political. I feel like there’s a metaphor in there for how heteronormative
people will accept structures and constructs that dehumanize people outside of
the heteronorm, but I don’t think the game gives enough stuff about Katie to
say this concretely, and that would’ve
been really cool.
As a random tangent on that thought (this
has nothing to do with Gone Home, but
the fact that the game made me think about it makes it special to me): for some
reason I still feel really guilty that I never joined up, even though every
person I’ve ever asked about it has said the same thing “I don’t regret it.
Don’t do it if you don’t have to.” I don’t know. Perhaps it’s a manifestation
of my guilt for never formally becoming a part of the anti-war movement, for
never putting my neck out for peace? In any case . . .
On the one hand, girls have always been
about half of people on the planet, as well as half of the people that play
games. On the other hand, I still think that name checking Street Fighter II and the Super Nintendo, even as an experience the
developers might’ve had in their youths, might’ve been a coldly calculated move
to make “Tr00” Hardcore Gamers™ relate more to the games initial impression of
the friendship between Lonnie and Sam. That move doesn’t make me angry as
someone who’s got more toes in that pool than I’d like to admit, but it does makes me a little bit sad as
someone who wants to see games by certain
people, for other certain people,
without any consideration for the kind of people that games are usually for. (Me. The straight, cis,
white male American teen.) And frankly, if I was on the team for Gone Home, I woulda said to take all
that out because fuck hardcores, we don’t need that crowd. (Because Street Fighter II references ain’t gonna
sell a mansion exploration sim anyway)
since the entire aesthetic of Gone Home is based around subverting
dumb horror clichés in favor of more mundane truths
Come to think of it, was there any reason
to do that other than to maybe be funny? Does it add anything to the ideas in
this story? You should have a reason for subverting something and I can’t think
of any way yet that Gone Home’s use
of horror adds anything to it.
On the one hand, I think the “neatness”
of Gone Home, as Anna Anthropy put
it, as well as the whiteness and the privilege that that “neatness” formally
emerges from, may cause the game to be not as well regarded in the future.
That’s a prediction, not a criticism. On the other hand, damn, this is a game about a girl, and her girlfriend, and her
neighbor, and her parents. And I think that’s special.
Going through the game, I was impressed
that they didn’t stoop to the level of sending Sam to straight camp or
something like that to heighten the drama of the situation. I was even looking
forward to getting through the game without Sam’s parents being even really
aware of the true nature of her and Lonnie’s relationship, but alas, no.
I’ll admit this disappoints me mainly
because I found myself really invested in the story of the dad and like anyone
I hate to admit that the people, not just that I like, but that I deeply love
and care for, are all flawed and problematic.
I feel like the side stories of the
father and the mother strengthen the idea of actual humanity of these
characters as a group, and I think the father’s story in particular reflects
how the rejection of abnormalities and non-heteronormativity is passed down
along a family line. The father picks up his own father’s love of written word,
but the grandfather, even as he recognizes the humanity of the genre novels his
son writes, rejects it for being dishonest. He then rejects Sam’s relationship
with Lonnie as a phase. Sam also writes, and is accepted to a creative writing
college, and her writing reflects her non-heteronormativity.
If I missed out on the parents doing the
“phase” speech because I never found that secret door for the attic key, then I
call even more BS on the game’s aesthetic.
I feel shitty that I’m the obligatory
straight cis dude pointing out what are kinda minor flaws in a game about not-straight girls for not-straight girls but a lot of this stuff really does bother me.
On the one hand, the ending to Gone Home is painfully “Born to Run” and on the other hand, I LOVE “Born to Run”
On the one hand, if I was Katie, I’d be
angry at Sam and my parents for being out of town the day I got home. On the
other hand, I’m angry at my brother for dying and I’m angry at my parents for
Sam runs away with Lonnie, and that’s it.
I don’t think games are concerned enough with, not just the burden of freedom, but the cost of freedom.
Woody Allen gave himself the happy ending
in Annie Hall. In FFVII, Aeris’ death means something, but
in real life, the death of Hironobu Sakaguchi’s mother does not. On the one
hand, Gone Home isn’t how things work
out in real life (even for straight teens in love, lemme tell ya), and on the
other hand, I think that’s part of the reason we make stories. God is cruel to
us, and thus we make ourselves into kind Gods who are good to our own
is a good game.
C. Howe, Maryland, 2013